11 ljudi koji su imali sreće kad to nisu očekivali, a ovaj na fotki pogotovo

Foto: Reddit

NEKI ljudi imali su toliko sreće da se mnogi pitaju je li zaista bila riječ o slučajnostima. Bright Side je prikupio galeriju fotografija ljudi koji su imali sreće, a da to nisu očekivali.

1. Komad kvarca pronađen u Arkansasu vrijedan 4 milijuna dolara

A chunk of quartz found in Arkansas worth $4 million. from r/BeAmazed

2. "Ovi novčići zaustavili su metak i spasili život mom pradjedu tijekom Prvog svjetskog rata."

These coins stopped a bullet and saved my great-grandfather's life during World War 1 from r/pics

3. "Palo je drvo i ovo je najsretniji čovjek u gradu jutros."

Tree Fell and This is now the luckiest guy in town this morning from r/nevertellmetheodds

4. Dobio novčanik s dva dolara unutra

My Mont Blanc wallet came with $2 USD inside from r/mildlyinteresting

5. "Ostatak u dućanu bio mi je 104 godine star novčić."

My change at the grocery store was a 104 year old dime. from r/mildlyinteresting

6. Ne četiri nego pet!

Here is a 5 leaf clover I'm giving to you, best of luck to 70 million my bro... from r/PewdiepieSubmissions

7. Neoubičajen prizor

The Great Wall. I was fortunate enough to go on a tour where there were virtually no other people. The sun had not hit the Mongolian side so it was still covered in snow from the night before. from r/travel

8. Htio je samo high five.

Kid just wanted a high-five from his golf idol from r/MadeMeSmile

9. Sreća

Just my luck! I accidentally shredded a receipt that I still needed to take note of. Luckily, it was short enough to fit horizontally into my paper shredder and the amount was preserved on a single strip! from r/pics

10. Jaje s 3 žumanjka

Found 3 yokes in 1 egg today from r/mildlyinteresting

11. Pronašao zaključani sef ispod tepiha, no ispostavilo se da je prazan.

Found this locked safe under the carpet of an estate home I recently purchased. from r/mildlyinteresting

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