FOTO 19 ljudi kojima je u karanteni vjerojatno puno gore nego vama

Foto: Reddit

U KARANTENI više nikome nije lako, no uvijek ima onih kojima je gore. Najbolji dokaz za to galerija je koju je prikupila Bored Panda s društvenih mreža, a nakon što vidite neke od fotografija, možda vam više neće biti tako teško biti zatvoren u četiri zida.

1. Ups...

2. Ode doručak.

3. Vijesti.

This was on my friends local news. I laughed so hard. from r/funny

4. Klasična karantenska frizura.

5. Eksplodirao printer...

The printer exploded... from r/Wellthatsucks

6. Sudar u Srbiji.

Both cars crashed into each other today in New Belgrade. from r/europe

7. Diskretno.

When you think you’re being discreet buying adult toys online [OC from my sister who allowed me to share her embarrassment with the world] from r/mildlyinfuriating

8. Omiljeni džemper...

Washed my favourite jumper :( from r/Wellthatsucks

9. Uvijek može gore...

As if Covid-19 and losing jobs wasn't bad enough, we just lost both cars to a tree. Happy Easter everyone! from r/Wellthatsucks

10. Puno gore...

My house after i went to buy some fruits from r/Wellthatsucks

11. Torta za kćerku.

12. Puknuta cijev...

A pipe broke upstairs from r/Wellthatsucks

13. Taman nakon što je garancija prošla...

My only computer dies just when the country goes into lockdown and Uni puts everything online. Also the warranty just expired last month. from r/Wellthatsucks

14. Roomba...

Doggy had an accident. Roomba found it. from r/Wellthatsucks

15. Propali piknik.

Hiked two hours to set up a picnic, returned to this from r/Wellthatsucks

16. "Uštedio..."

Apparently my post isn't appropriate for r/DIY so I'll share with y'all. I installed my own microwave today and saved $150 in install fees! from r/Wellthatsucks

17. Gratis zmija.

18. Muž na prodaju.

Quarantine is going well in my neighborhood. from r/funny

19. Još jedna propala večera.

Picked up dinner from a local restaurant...sauce leaked, bag broke, dinner said hello to the garage floor. from r/Wellthatsucks

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