Mama upozorila na grešku koju mnogi rade: Moja kći je slomila nogu, nemojte riskirati

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Amelia Zamora upozorila je roditelje na nezgodu koja se može dogoditi ako se s djetetom spuštate niz tobogan. Učinila je to s dvogodišnjom kćeri Scarlett u krilu, zbog čega je djevojčica slomila nogu.

Nesreća se dogodila još u travnju 2018. kada je Scarlett zamolila mamu da joj se pridruži na toboganu. Amelia je poslušala kćerkicu i pristala uzeti je u krilo da se spuste niz spravu. Ono što se zatim dogodilo, noćna je mora koju Amelia još uvijek ne može zaboraviti. Djevojčici je noga zapela između tobogana i maminog bedra, zbog čega joj je bedrena kost pukla napola. Morala je nositi gips i ponovno učiti hodati.

@mamabearreview we went to a fun theme park on a sunny morning with friends. I had my oldest who was 2.5 at the time and my 2 month old. My oldest wanted to go down the big slide and asked me countless times to go with her. A friend offered to watch the baby while I went with her. Little did I know seconds later our lives would change forever. . The slide was steeper than we thought and we crash landed at the bottom. That crash landed us going to the ER and them doing an x-ray on our daughter’s leg because she was crying, lethargic and in pain. An x-ray confirmed she broke her femur. 🦵🏻 . You can read the full story on my blog where I go into way more detail, but long exhausting story short: she ended up in a #spicacast Basically a full body cast which made life a bit more challenging. She had to be put under anesthesia and get the cast put on. I sobbed. For days I cried full of mom guilt and heartache watching my babygirl like that. We learned all the tips and tricks for the spica cast life and we made the most of it. ❤️ . it was gut wrenching and hard. You hear all the time not to go down the slide with kids because they put their legs out and it could get caught on the sides and break their legs etc. but you never think it could happen to you, and it wasn’t even the fact her leg got caught, it was the steepness of the slide and the fact that I stopped at the bottom but our momentum kept us going. 😔 . She had to re-learn how to walk once the cast was off, she was apprehensive of slides for months afterwards, and I will never forget that day and those loooong months after. So here’s my PSA to those parents who think it won’t happen to them: don’t risk it. hold their hand off the side or just give them encouragement to go alone and if the slide looks too steep, be prepared to catch them at the bottom because looking back, I wish I would’ve just told her not that slide. ❤️ . #spicacast #slidestory #parentingmoments #reallifeproblems #spica ♬ original sound - Mamabearreview

"Nakon što je Scarlett slomila nogu užasno je plakala. Nije se mogla kretati ni spavati. To je trajalo tjednima. Toliko sam krivila samu sebe. Trebala sam joj reći ne", podijelila je Amelia na svom blogu i društvenim mrežama.

Šest godina kasnije, Scarlett, koja sada ima osam godina, jedva se sjeća tog traumatičnog iskustva. Međutim Amelia pamti svaki detalj kao da se nesreća dogodila jučer.

"Želim upozoriti druge roditelje da nikad ne čine grešku poput one koju sam ja napravila. Pustite dijete da ima izljev bijesa. Bolje je to nego da slomi nogu. Dijete će preboljeti što se niste htjeli s njime spustiti niz tobogan. Nemojte riskirati", poručila je.

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