Neizlječivo bolestan psić kojem je ostalo šest mjeseci života našao je zauvijek dom

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PAS kojem je ostalo samo šest mjeseci života dobilo je priliku iskusiti ljubav i život kakav svatko zaslužuje. Naime, DeVito je imao sreću što je u sklonište Forgotten Now Family Rescue u SAD-u došao kao štene. Dok je za starijim psima teško pronaći dom, štenci su uvijek traženi.

Chrissy Elder zaljubila se u DeVita čim ga je ugledala. Odmah joj je bilo jasno da je drugačiji jer je bio slab, a jezik mu je bio ljubičaste boje. Ipak, nadala se dobroj prognozi jer se zaljubila u veselo štene.

Nažalost, stigle su loše vijesti. DeVitu je dijagnosticirana teška subvalvularna aortna stenoza i ima niz strukturnih srčanih defekata i problema s protokom krvi. Također je bio u četvrtom stupnju zatajenja srca. Veterinari su rekli da treba uživati u ono malo vremena što mu je ostalo.

"Dali su mu šest mjeseci. Pristali smo na lijekove i potrošili 3500 dolara da mu pružimo ovu priliku. Nismo planirali taj trošak, ali ne sumnjam da je to zaslužio", izjavila je Elder.

@chrissyrescuer His request for intake came over social media. It was from a breeder that found this puppy was very different from the rest of their litter. He would grow weak and his tongue turning purple with a lot of other symptoms. I immediately agreed to take him on. As you guys know I have helped in the rehab and unfortunately hospice of many cardiac dogs . I took him that day and fell so in love. I was praying his heart condition would be operable and we could give him the most beautiful long life.. unfortunately that is not the reality. He has severe S.A.S Subvalvular aortic stenosis as well as structural heart defects with a lot of complex blood flow issues. He also suffers from grade 4 heart failure. I took the news and swallowed back the tears… they offered to admit him to start the heavy medication load via I v to see if we could get in front of the heart failure progression and bring him to a baseline to try and hospice for what small time he has. They have given us 6 months… I have no doubt this baby deserves a hospice journey and I plan to give him the best one . He responded well to the I v start of medication and we were able to take his heart failure from severe fluid to a more comfortable level of fluid for him. With him not being a surgical candidate it’s heart shattering and I sobbed the whole way home. I honestly was not ready for another hospice yet. The hole in my heart from the last is huge .. but he didn’t ask for this and we are on his time not mine . He didn’t choose a single bit of this. Many of you know I suffer from cardiac and vascular issues myself. I just had surgery 2 weeks ago for some of my jssues.. on my drive home with our new guy I sat praying over him and thinking on my own journey. No timing isn’t great and the heart breaking news is a lot.. but I will always choose loving and saving even if it hurts.. My special needs son Bo is a huge part of our rescue fostering story. This was him meeting Devito for the first time. The way he connects with animals always amazes me. I have no doubt devito being his best friend will give him an amazing life. Yes it’s hard for kids to hospice foster but in our home we learn all forms of love including the hard ones. Bo is the best hospice foster I know .. just ask his last angel pappy seymour. I hope you guys love deVito with us. He deserves it. #hospice #fosteringsaveslives #myguy #rescuedog #ourstory #autism #differentnotless #foster #pittiesoftiktok ♬ Cinema - MUSIC_ONC

Čim je štene dovela kući, za njega se vezao Elderin sin Bo. Dječak je autističan, a druženje s DeVitom mu je osiguralo priliku da iskusi onu vrstu radosti koju bi svatko trebao osjetiti.

"Zasad smo fokusirani na to da mu pružimo dom i obitelj kakvu zaslužuje i spremna sam isto ponoviti za mnogo drugih pasa. Uvijek biram spašavanje, čak i kada ih boli", poručila je.

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