2.8 mil. pregleda: Beba prvi put probala pire krumpir, pogledajte preslatku reakciju

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Većini roditelja uzbudljivo je gledati kako djeca odrastaju i prolaze različite prekretnice. Svaki je dan avantura kada bebe isprobavaju nešto novo, pogotovo kada je u pitanju hrana.

Jedan takav trenutak podijelili su roditelji, Taylor i Kaylee Dudley. Nedavno su na TikToku objavili video svoje kćeri Ellie kako prvi put kuša pire od krumpira, a njezina je reakcija postala viralna.

Ellie ima skoro šest mjeseci i počela je pokazivati veliko zanimanje za ono što njeni roditelji jedu svaki dan. Stoga su Taylor I Kaylee zaključili da je spremna isprobati nešto novo. Savjetovali su se sa svojim pedijatrom i on se složio da Ellie može započeti s kušanjem nove hrane.

"Razmišljali smo o tome što bismo prvo trebali učiniti i mislili smo da bi joj pire krumpir mogao biti laka stvar za igru i eksperimentiranje s prehranom", otkrili su roditelji u opisu objave na TikToku.

@kayandtayofficial Ellie’s reaction was priceless! 🥹❤️ backstory ::: Ellie is almost 6 months old, and has started to show a lot of interest in what we are eating each day. She’s always trying to grab at our food and stares at us when we drink. You can tell that she is so ready to investigate the food for herself. Kay and I decided that it was time! We asked our pediatrician and he agreed that we could start integrating real food into her diet. We thought about what we should do first, and thought that sweet potato might be an easy thing for her to play with and experiment eating. We got it all puréed and we put Ellie into high chair for the first time. She was so excited to be sitting up high like we always are when we eat. ❤️ Kay gave her a spoon and the plate of sweet potato and she took her first bite. She wasn’t sure at first, but when Kay gave her another bite, she was so excited that she missed her mouth! 😂 We are so excited to try other foods with her and let her experiment with new foods! I’m glad that she ended up liking it! Ellie is growing up so much, and it’s sad to think how little she was just a few months ago, but at least we have these moments to look back at! I’m so excited for more food adventures in the future! ❤️ #kayandtayofficial #couples #relationships #pregnant #postpartum ♬ original sound - ✨Kay and Tay✨

Mama je Ellie dala žlicu i tanjur pire krumpira, a djevojčica je zatim kušala prvi zalogaj. Isprva nije bila sigurna, ali kad je kušala još jednom, bila je uzbuđena i oduševljena.

Reakcija djevojčice nasmijala je mnoge, a video je skupio 2.8 milijuna pregleda i 431.700 lajkova.

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