Baš ni jedna od ovih 15 fotografija nije nastala u Photoshopu

Foto: Reddit

U DOBA moderne tehnologije svatko može stvoriti prekrasne kadrove uz pomoć Photoshopa. No najbolje su obično fotografije koje su snimljene sasvim spontano i iz pravog kuta, piše Bright Side te donosi galeriju fotografija koje dokazuju da za savršene kadrove nije potreban Photoshop.

1. Iznad oblaka.

2. Tragovi aviona.

3. Lava u moru.

4. Unutarnji sloj.

5. Kad kiša pada samo na jednoj strani ulice.

6. Jabuka s prugama.

This apple has stripes. from r/mildlyinteresting

7. Zaleđeni cvijet.

Flower encased in ice. from r/mildlyinteresting

8. Pritvorena vrata.

The way this light comes out of an almost closed door from r/mildlyinteresting

9. Pola-pola.

I cracked an egg almost perfectly in half from r/mildlyinteresting

10. Ledena skulptura.

An ice carving outside a tea room in my white bread city. Pretty cute though. from r/mildlyinteresting

11. Kameni trokut.

An almost perfectly triangular rock from r/mildlyinteresting

12. "Lightsaber" štapići za jelo.

These lightsaber chopsticks add vaporwave aesthetics to these radish cubes from r/mildlyinteresting

13. Trakica.

This funky little ribbon cloud outside my plane window. from r/mildlyinteresting

14. Svjetlo.

The Way The Light Shines Through The Stained Glass Windows from r/mildlyinteresting

15. Rupa u zidu koja izgleda kao zrcalo.

This hole in the wall looks like a mirror. from r/mildlyinteresting

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