"Stepenice smrti": Stubišta na koja nikako ne želite naići kad malo popijete

Foto: Reddit

KAD JE u pitanju dizajn, ono što svakako želite pogoditi su stepenice. Bilo kakva mana u izvedbi može dovesti do neugodne situacije ili ozbiljnog pada. Bored Panda donosi dizajnerska rješenja toliko loša da su na posebnom nivou. Loše isplanirane, opasne ili čak smrtonosne - ovo su najružnije stepenice na internetu.

"Ako mene pitate, ovo nije dobar odabir za tapeciranje stepenica."

Not a good carpet choice for stairs if you ask me from r/CrappyDesign

"Kamuflaža 101."

Camouflage 101 from r/pics

"Vidio sam poprilično groznih stepenica, ali ove odnose pobjedu."

I've seen some crappy stairs, but this one takes the cake from r/CrappyDesign

"Ono kad sotoni dopustite da izabere tepih."

When you let Satan choose the carpet


"Izgradili smo stepenice točno kako su dizajnirane, šefe."

Built the staircase exactly as designed, boss from r/NotMyJob

"U slučaju požara, idite stepenicama, rekli su. Ne koristite liftove, rekli su."

In case of fire use stairs, they said. Do not use elevators, they said. from r/CrappyDesign

"Zamislite da ste pijani."

Imagine being drunk from r/CrappyDesign

"Stepenice smrti."

Stairs of Death from r/CrappyDesign

"Stepenice koje ne vode nikuda."

Stairs that lead to nowhere from r/CrappyDesign

"Samo za ekstremna kolica."

Extreme Wheelchairing from r/CrappyDesign

"Skoro sam slomila nogu."

Almost broke my leg from r/CrappyDesign

"Ove stepenice u kazalištu."

these stairs at a movie theatre from r/CrappyDesign

"Ne morate biti pijani da biste pali niz ove stepenice."

You don't have to be drunk to fall down these stairs. from r/CrappyDesign

"Ove stepenice izvan vrata su smrt koja samo što se nije dogodila."

This flight of stairs outside a door is death waiting to happen. from r/CrappyDesign

"Ovo nisu stepenice. Ovo su dekorativni slapovi. Moj prijatelj je ušao u njih i poskliznuo se, umro sam od smijeha."

These aren’t stairs. They are decorative waterfalls. My friend walked into them and slipped, i laughed my ass off. from r/CrappyDesign

"Za onda kad želite biti blizu smrti svaki put kad koristite stepenice."

For when you want a near death experience every time you use the stairs from r/CrappyDesign

"Ako odlučite ići lijevo, na rampu, jer ste došli biciklom ili s kolicima, srest ćete stepenicu malo kasnije. Ali ako odaberete stepenice, nakon njih naići ćete na rampu."

If you choose to go on the left, on the ramp, because you have a bike or stroller, then you will encounter a step later. But if you choose stairs then you will encounter a ramp after the stairs [my OC but x-posted from r/mildlyinteresting] from r/CrappyDesign

"Kako slomiti kosti"

How to break your bones from r/CrappyDesign

"Čovječe, ovo je brdo jednostavno prestrmo. Pričekaj samo čas dok odem stepenicama."

Man this hill is just too steep. Hold on a sec while I take the stairs from r/CrappyDesign

"Ove stepenice u Monaku"

These stairs in Monaco from r/CrappyDesign

"Ove duple stepenice"

These double stairs from r/CrappyDesign

"Ove stepenice mora da su samo za ljubimce i djecu."

These stairs must be for pets and children only from r/CrappyDesign

"Tapecirane stepenice do tuša."

Carpeted stairs to shower from r/CrappyDesign

"Ove su stepenice zbunjivale ljude na fakultetu koji sam posjetio."

These stairs in a college I visited had people confused... from r/CrappyDesign

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