14 teških failova: Vidite li zašto je ova fotografija naljutila sve bicikliste?

Foto: Reddit

GALERIJA koju je objavio Bright Side naljutila je brojne korisnike društvenih mreža, a neke fotografije mogle bi i vas kad vidite nelogičnosti na njima.

1. U školi za dizajn.

It's even more fascinating when this shit happens in a design school from r/CrappyDesign

2.  Stvarno?

For real!?! from r/onejob

3. Ova vrata...

This door... from r/CrappyDesign

4. Kad ne vidite s kim jedete večeru.

I love not being able to see the person I’m eating dinner with. from r/CrappyDesign

5. Logično postavljen pisoar.

The arrangement of this urinal from r/CrappyDesign

6. Možda su mačke bilingvalne.

When you're paid minimum wage and just don't give a shit from r/onejob

7. Barem ne nedostaje koševa za smeće.

Cozy seats in Belgium from r/CrappyDesign

8. Remek-djelo u Hondurasu.

Found this masterpiece in Honduras 🤔 from r/CrappyDesign

9. Kako se ovo dogodilo?

Just how did this happen? from r/onejob

10. A gdje su životinje?

ANIMAL DOMINOES from r/CrappyDesign

11. Stane motor ili manji auto.

My dad saw this at work today... from r/CrappyDesign

12. Beskorisni ventilator.

Not a fan of that projector from r/onejob

13. Kako?

Who looked at this and said “Yeah this is fine.” from r/onejob

14. Ova biciklistička staza.

That's gonna be an easy ride from r/CrappyDesign

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